The leading platform for aggregated building data

Our solution aggregates building data then makes it clear, meaningful and easy to access and use, whether you're using our application or our API.

In your meeting, we'll give you an overview of our platform, including how you can:

  • Get your hands on a range of trusted data sources – saving time and money on integrations
  • Access meaningful insights to help you and your consulting clients make better decisions about building operations
  • Use building data to boost workplace experience, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs
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Join the many leading organizations already using Metrikus

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Don’t just take our word for it:

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‘I cannot overstate how useful the Metrikus platform has been. It is a powerful visual tool that allows you to become an intelligent customer.’ Ralph James, FM & Technical Services Manager met-png-logo-transparent
Large office blocks and view of external public space
‘The data we collected with Metrikus was incredibly insightful, and has even helped us to update our workplace standard.’ Simon French, Workplace and Design Director gsk-white-440
'By leveraging Metrikus' public API, we are able to access aggregated and normalized building data from a range of trusted sources, without the hassle of setting up new integrations'. Paul Alley, Director of Technology & Alliance Partnerships
'Metrikus is a complementary and additive solution for ServiceNow, and will be a great value-add for our clients and partners, saving them time and money as they manage their buildings' Scott Fuller, Vice President and General Manager, Workplace Service Delivery Division ServiceNow-logo
Skyscrapers with focus blur at center top of image
‘I cannot overstate how useful the Metrikus platform has been. It is a powerful visual tool that allows you to become an intelligent customer.’ Ralph James, FM & Technical Services Manager met-png-logo-transparent
Large office blocks and view of external public space
‘The data we collected with Metrikus was incredibly insightful, and has even helped us to update our workplace standard.’ Simon French, Workplace and Design Director gsk-white-440
'By leveraging Metrikus' public API, we are able to access aggregated and normalized building data from a range of trusted sources, without the hassle of setting up new integrations'. Paul Alley, Director of Technology & Alliance Partnerships
'Metrikus is a complementary and additive solution for ServiceNow, and will be a great value-add for our clients and partners, saving them time and money as they manage their buildings' Scott Fuller, Vice President and General Manager, Workplace Service Delivery Division ServiceNow-logo

Just some of our leading data integrations

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Our awards

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