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Our sustainability story

Since 2019, we’ve been driven by the idea that you can improve what you can measure. This is the underlying notion in all parts of our business, including our sustainability journey.

From measure to minimise.

For three years we have measured our climate impact. This has enabled our Sustainability Committee to work with the data and think up ways to embed sustainability in all parts of our company. It’s a continuous journey, but we’ve been able to track progress and take on the learnings.

Have a read through our impact report to learn more about it.


The Impact Report is a measure of all our company emissions across our supply chain, utility bills, employee commuting, business travel and product use. The findings served as a foundation on which we based our emission reduction roadmap.


In our current stage of growth, we have set reduction goals against our intensity ratio – a comparison our emissions and revenue. We’re aiming to keep this equal to or lower than our baseline year of 2020.

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