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Data centers

Driving building efficiencies for data centers

Group 209 (2)

increase in operational efficiency.


of maintenance time saved.


improvement in energy efficiency.

In today’s digital world, data centers are an essential part of our lives without us even knowing. It’s vital for us to take steps to make these critical facilities as efficient as we can.

The challenges

Data centers are particularly susceptible to environmental changes, and any downtime can lead to significant revenue loss and damage brand reputation.

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Our solution

Our solution helps you to proactively monitor your data centers to uncover and solve any issues that could be harmful to equipment and its performance.

We can deploy a range of sensors and integrate with any hardware provider to bring you the data you need.

Our platform capabilities include:

  • Overheat prevention
  • Vibration monitoring
  • Humidity monitoring
  • Leak detection
  • Door monitoring for security purposes

Our solution in action: Derby data center in the UK

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We worked with the team at Derby data centers to improve operational efficiency. Engineers were having to attend site regularly to check on the status of equipment, sometimes unnecessarily. And they had no visibility of hot and cold spots within the space which meant they were inadvertently wasting energy.

Access to our platform gave engineers remote access to the data they needed, reducing the number of call-outs, and saving time, money and vehicle emissions. Environmental sensors also showed inefficiencies in their heating and cooling systems, and rectifying these issues led to a significant improvement in energy efficiency.

Talk to an expert about getting the right insights from your building data