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Top COP26 events for the future of buildings

As we’re sure you’ve heard, COP26 is now well underway, with some important deals agreed but lots of vital issues yet to be negotiated.

If you want to find out more about why COP26 is so important and what to expect from the summit, take a look at our blog post covering everything you need to know.

But if you’re heading to Glasgow, read on for a guide to some of the events we think you might find interesting.

Why are we so interested in COP26?

COP26 is hugely important for everyone – it’s basically crunch time to save our planet from disaster.

However, it’s specifically important to us as one of the big focuses will be looking at how we can make our buildings more sustainable.

With over 40% of greenhouse gas emissions coming from the built environment, there’s clearly an urgent need to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. And at Metrikus, our real-time energy monitoring solution is here to do exactly that.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be keeping a close eye on what happens at COP26 as it could be a pivotal moment for the future of smart buildings.

Five events to attend 

There are so many great events happening at COP26, but we’ve picked out five we think are worth registering for.

1. Better Buildings Partnership – Commercial Buildings: A real asset in addressing climate change?


4th November, 9:30am – 11am


Science Show Theatre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA


This event is all about the critical role the commercial real estate sector has to play in addressing climate change.

It’ll highlight some of the toughest challenges the sector faces and explore how meaningful progress can be accelerated through collective commitment, sustainable finance and collaborative action.  

The agenda will include:

  • An insight into the market transformational BBP Climate Committee
  • An interview with Sam McClary, Editor at Estates Gazette 
  • A panel chaired by Miles Keeping, Chair of Green Property Alliance

2. UKGBC – Scotland launch


4th November, 6pm – 8pm


JLL, 150 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5ND


The UKGBC does loads of great work to improve the sustainability of the built environment, by considering the way it’s planned, designed, constructed, maintained and operated.

They’re now launching a dedicated branch in Scotland to drive their progress in the north of the UK and this is their launch event.

We think it’s going to be a great one to attend to do a bit of networking and hear from a range of speakers including the CEO of the UKGBC, Julie Hirigoyen.

Glasgow cityscape

3. University of Glasgow – Built Environment and Net Zero Conference


11th November,  9am – 4.30pm




The University of Glasgow is leading the way when it comes to reaching net zero, and this is a chance to learn from their research.

There will be four broad themes:

  • Reducing carbon emissions from the built environment
  • Low carbon heat
  • Climate resilience
  • Climate finance

This is going to be an informative one, so make sure you tune in!

4. How buildings will play a role in fighting climate change. The right decision today, means a better tomorrow.


11th November, 9:30am – 10:30


Science Show Theatre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA


The Erne Campus, part of the South West College, is pushing the boundaries of sustainable design and energy efficient building.

It’s the first educational building in the world to achieve Passive House Premium and BREEAM Outstanding accreditations, and it shows it’s possible to construct a cost-effective net zero building.

This event will showcase the Erne Campus, discuss tangible solutions for the climate emergency and uncover the future skills we need to support innovation.

It’s definitely one to watch to get you inspired about what we can achieve when the brightest minds come together.

Erne Campus

5. Financing the Sustainable Cities of the Future: What will it take to get there?


11th November, 3:30pm – 5pm


Science Show Theatre, 50 Pacific Quay, Glasgow, G51 1EA


Trillions of dollars are needed to build more sustainable and resilient infrastructure. But cities around the world face major capacity constraints when it comes to preparing and financing climate change mitigation projects. 

This event will bring together some of the big market players in city-level climate finance, including:

  • Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance
  • C40 Cities Finance Facility
  • GIZ
  • World Climate Foundation

Definitely register if you want to learn how we can leverage public and private finance to make our cities more sustainable.


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